There are 202 employees which are working in this institute, out of which 112 employees (55%) are university graduated, of which 95 employees (85%) are certified as research personnel.
Structure of the research personnel:
1.) Senior Researcher of grade I (CSI): 22
2.) Senior Researcher of grade II (CSII): 8
3.) Senior Researcher of grade III (CSIII): 25
4.) Junior Researcher (CS): 15
5.) Engineer of technological development of grade I (IDTI): 13
6.) Engineer of technological development of grade II (IDTII): 5
7.) Engineer of technological development of grade III (IDTIII): 3
Out of which:
– Doctors of science: 66
– DSc students: 11
– MSc students: 6
– Professors as DSc mentors: 1