Government Decision No. 1282/2004 of 13/08/2004

Published in the Official Monitor, Part I No. 775 of 24/08/2004

on the establishment, organization and functioning of the National Institute for Research and Development in Electrical Engineering ICPE – CA Bucharest

Pursuant to Art. 108 of the Constitution, republished, and Art. 18 paragraph (1) of the Government Ordinance No. 57/2002 on scientific research and technological development, approved with amendments by Law No. 324/2003, as amended and supplemented.

Government of Romania adopts this decision.

Art. 1. – It established the National Institute for Research and Development in Electrical Engineering ICPE-CA Bucharest by reorganizing the company “Research and Design Institute for Electrical Engineering – Advanced Research” – ICPE – CA – S.A. Bucharest, which is dissolved.
Art. 2. – National Institute for Research and Development in Electrical Engineering ICPE-CA Bucharest is the Romanian legal entity operating under the coordination of the Ministry of Education and Research, in accordance with Government Ordinance No. 57/2002 on scientific research and technological development, approved with amendments by Law No. 324/2003, as amended and supplemented, and the Rules of organization and functioning of the National Institute for Research and Development in Electrical Engineering ICPE – CA Bucharest, provided in Annex. 1
Art. 3. – (1) The headquarter of the National Institute for Research and Development in Electrical Engineering ICPE-CA Bucharest is in Bucharest, Splaiul Unirii Street No. 313, District 3.
(2) National Institute for Research and Development in Electrical Engineering ICPE – CA Bucharest has a branch organizational structure with headquarter in Sfântu Gheorghe, Jozsef Atilla Street No. 4, Covasna County.
Art. 4. – National Institute for Research and Development in Electrical Engineering ICPE-CA Bucharest has as main activities:
a) fundamental and applied research in the field of electrical engineering;
b) engineering, testing and measurement, expertizes in laboratory, pilot stations and on-site;
c) technological development in the field of industrial waste recovery and processing and environmental rehabilitation;
d) elaboration of technical and economic normative of national interest for ensuring the fundamental requirements in electrical engineering;
e) strategy development, technical assistance and consultancy in the field of electrical engineering;
f) information, documentation and personnel training in electrical engineering.
Art. 5. – (1) The organizational structure of the National Institute for Research and Development in Electrical Engineering ICPE – CA Bucharest is approved by the Minister of Education and Research, within 30 days from the date of entry into force of this decision.
(2) National Institute for Research and Development in Electrical Engineering ICPE-CA Bucharest may set subunits, with or without legal personality, departments, groups, laboratories and other organizational structures needed to achieve its activity object, under the law.
Art. 6. – (1) The heritage of the National Institute of Research and Development in Electrical Engineering ICPE – CA Bucharest, amounting to 21,022,210 thousand lei, is established by taking over the assets and liabilities of the company “Research and Design Institute for Electrical Engineering – Advanced Research” ICPE – CA-S.A. Bucharest, according to the financial statements at 31 December 2003
(2) The assets and liabilities of the company “Research and Design Institute for Electrical Engineering – Advanced Research” ICPE – CA – S.A. Bucharest are taken based on a delivery-receipt protocol by the National Institute for Research and Development in Electrical Engineering ICPE – CA Bucharest, within 30 days from the date of entry into force of this decision.
(3) The assets owned by state passing in the administration of the National Institute for Research and Development in Electrical Engineering ICPE – CA Bucharest as well as its own goods are set out in Annex. 2
Art. 7. – (1) The personnel of the National Institute for Research and Development in Electrical Engineering ICPE-CA Bucharest is taken from the company “Research and Design Institute for Electrical Engineering – Advanced Research” ICPE – CA – S.A. Bucharest and keeps wages at the date of its reorganization until the employment on the corresponding posts in the organizational structure approved according to art. 5
(2) The new collective labor agreement will be negotiated and registered to the Directorate of Labor and Social Solidarity Bucharest within 60 days from the date of entry into force of this decision.
(3) Individual salaries of the personnel shall be established by negotiation, according to legal regulations and provisions of the collective labor agreement, within the total fund for the payment of salaries as set in the budgeted income and expenditure established by law.
Art. 8. – Funding the work carried out by the National Institute for Research and Development in Electrical Engineering ICPE – CA Bucharest is achieved from own sources or from the state budget allocations, under the law, and from other sources such as donations and sponsorships.
Art. 9. – On the effective date of this decision, the National Institute for Research and Development in Electrical Engineering ICPE – CA Bucharest assumes all rights and keeps all the obligations of the company ” Research and Design Institute for Electrical Engineering – Advanced Research” ICPE – CA – S.A. Bucharest, to the extent that, according to legal or contractual regulations they will be not dissolved, and substitute in all disputes under the company “Research and Design Institute for Electrical Engineering – Advanced Research” ICPE – CA – S.A. Bucharest
Art. 10. – Annexes 1 and 2 are part of this decision
Art. 11. – For the Annex. 6 “National Institute of research and development operating in the coordination of the Ministry of Education and Research” of the Government Decision No. 410/2004 on the organization and functioning of the Ministry of Education and Research, published in the Official Monitor of Romania, Part I, No. 277 of 30 March 2004, it is inserted the following new paragraph, paragraph 18, as follows:

“18. National Institute for Research and Development in Electrical Engineering ICPE-CA Bucharest – own revenues.”


Minister of Education and Research,
Alexandru Athanasiu
Minister of Labor, Social Solidarity and Family,
Dan Mircea Popescu
Minister of Public Finance,
Mihai Nicolae Tănăsescu

Bucharest, August 13, 2004.
No. 1.282.
