Project registration code: PN-III-P2-2.1-PED-2019-1444
Contract number: 294PED/2020
Project manager: PhD. Eng. Cîrciumaru
Financing source: State budget
Programme: Programme 2 – Increase Competitiveness of the Romanian Economy through Research, Development and Innovation, Subprogramme 2.1. Competitiveness through Research, Development and Innovation
Research domain 3 – Energy, environment and environmental changes
Project type: Experimental demonstrative project (PED)
Contract budget: 600.000 lei
Duration: 24 months (08.03.2020 – 08.02.2022)
Contracting Authority: Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding (UEFISCDI)
The project aims to complementary address the water intake problem by creating a common hybrid solution based on the use of environmental friendly water intakes operating in tandem with a fish guidance systems based on influencing their behaviour by using bubbles curtains. The novelty of the proposed research consists in extending the application domain of the bubble diffusers, by using them within an integrated solution for fish fauna. The project requires a multi and trans-disciplinary approach, and the contribution of specialists in different fields: hydrotechnics (designing and implementing the ecological intake so as not to affect the morphology of the river and its hydrological regime), hydraulics (design and implementation of bubble diffusers) and numerical simulation. The methods for designing diffusers for generating bubble curtains and ecological water intakes being well known by the research team, the project starts from TRL3 and envisages to reach TRL4 after the project implementation. This will be achieved by designing and integrating the two components (on the basis of the existing knowledge and results of the team) into an assembly/a system, testing its operation and effectiveness and validating it in laboratory operating conditions. It is envisaged to realize and to theoretically and experimentally characterize a reduced model of the hybrid solution, suitable for future development (TRL 5-6) in order to be used on the Romanian mountain rivers, for facilitating the migration of the fish fauna. The difference between the obtained results and the expected system results will be analyzed or/and assessed. By the common approach and by achieving the project’s proposed objectives, the prerequisites of obtaining reliable results with impact on the technical and scientific field will be created.
Research team
Coordinator: INCDIE ICPE-CA Bucharest
7 researchers, 1 technician (3 postdoctoral researcher, 1 person under 35 years)
Partner: UPB
3 researchers, 1 technician (1 postdoctoral researcher, 1 person under 35 years)
The purpose of the project proposal is to achieve an experimental model of eco-hybrid water intake with behavioural barrier (Eco-WIBB) in order to reduce the impact on fish fauna and river morphology. Thus, the project aims to complementary address the water intake problem by creating a common hybrid solution based on the use of environmental friendly water intakes operating in tandem with a fish guidance system. The aeration device will generate bubble curtains emitted through diffusers and will guide the fish away from the screen avoiding their accidental entrapment.
The final technical objective of the project is to validate the Eco-WIBB experimental model in laboratory conditions (TRL 4) starting from a TRL 3 (experimental proof of concept) stage previously developed.
Thus, the project consists in underlying a sustainable hybrid Eco-WIBB model for the use of water resources in terms of protecting the aquatic fauna.
Project phases/activities:
Phase 1 Establishing the system concept and performing the technical design for execution of the Eco-WIBB main components
Activity type: industrial research
Involved partners: ICPE-CA, UPB
Implementation period: 5 months (08.03.2020 – 12.31.2020)
Activity 1.1 Review and update of the mountain rivers morphology and fish behaviour, along with the non-physical current solutions used for fish guidance
Activity 1.2 Establishing the concept and design elements of the eco-hybrid water intake with behavioural barrier
Activity 1.3 Analysing the available possibilities to ensure the energy autonomy of the fish guidance system based on behavioural barrier consisting in air curtains
Activity 1.4 Technical design of the water intake and fish guidance system embedded in the hybrid Eco-WIBB experimental model
Phase 2 Manufacturing and preliminary testing the laboratory model of eco-hybrid water intake with behavioural barrier
Activity type: industrial research
Involved partners: ICPE-CA, UPB
Implementation period: 12 months (01.01.2021 – 12.31.2021)
Activity 2.1 Manufacturing the hybrid Eco-WIBB experimental model
Activity 2.2 Preliminary testing of the hybrid Eco-WIBB experimental model
Activity 2.3 Numerical simulation of the hybrid Eco-WIBB experimental model
Activity 2.4 Analysing the mass transfer induced by the behavioural barrier
Activity 2.5 Dissemination of the research results by articles/scientific communications
Phase 3 Characterization and validation of the eco-hybrid water intake with behavioural barrier (Eco-WIBB)
Activity type: industrial research
Involved partners: ICPE-CA, UPB
Implementation period: 7 months (01.01.2022 – 08.02.2022)
Activity 3.1 Performing the final testing of the hybrid Eco-WIBB experimental model
Activity 3.2 Establishing one/more possibility(ies) in order to ensure the energy autonomy of the developed hybrid Eco-WIBB model by using renewable energy sources for the deployment in remote areas without any connection to the electric public grid
Activity 3.3 Dissemination of the research results. Workshop organization on ICPE-CA premises
Coordinator: INCDIE ICPE-CA Bucharest
Project manager: PhD. eng. Gabriela Cîrciumaru
Phone: 0040213467231 / extension 304, e-mail:
Partner: UPB
Project responsible: Lecturer Lucian Mândrea