Surname and name of the authors: Times New Roman, 12 pt, bold, centered, title case
Affiliation (institution, address, phone, fax, e-mail): Times New Roman, 11 pt, title case, Italic, centered text
Paper abstract: maxim 200 words, in Romanian and English languages, Times New Roman, 10 pt, Italic
Paper in extenso: in Romanian and English languages, Word doc., page size A4, single line, Times New Roman, 11 pt; the diagrams, tables and equations shall be inserted into the text.
References: ref. number, author surname and name, paper title, the journal where the paper was published, publisher, city, year, page numbers.
September 10, 2019 – paper abstract (in both Romanian and English languages)
September 30, 2019 – paper in extension,
The abstract (in Romanian and English languages) will be sent to the Secretariat, by e-mail to the address:
The abstracts will be published in the ABSTRACTS BOOK, indexed ISBN, distributed at the seminar.
Contact persons:
Ph.D.. eng. Mircea Ignat
Mobile: 0755.015.606
The organizers will make available to participants the equipment needed for presenting papers.